

Are you finding some unexpected ease in your daily routine? Are you spending your time more creatively? If yes, great… if not, well….

I have something that might help….try the video included in this e-mail!!

Currently I find myself engaging in lots of things for longer periods of time than before, things like sketching, cooking, journaling and more!

And… I am finding my morning ritual is more yummy than usual. I LOVE not waking to wake up to an alarm at 6:30 AM only to rush (calmly of course) into my day.

One thing I am spending more time on is my skincare. It feels so luxurious to me…. I rarely… as in maybe 1 time when flying the night flight to Malaysia with the super tiny airplane bathroom that you can barely get in and shut the door which also included a line of people all looking desperate to go. 

Anyway, I have a little morning ritual that includes a variety of steps and one area I find myself lingering more is my facial massage. 


Some (and by no means all) of the reasons a facial massage can give you a natural face lift  (YES, you read that correctly) + glowing skin overall better health:
lifts + contours while evening skin texture- reduces puffiness and eliminates excess fluid
boosts immune system- supports lymph drainage and releases toxins
glow- boosts circulation 
reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles- stimulates cellular activity 
calm- reduces stress and nerve tension 
Better mood.. dare I even say JOY?? because touch (yes even on yourself) increases the feel good chemicals in the brain- oxytocin, serotonin, gaba and so forth..
strengthens muscles and reduces stiffness- allowing your sage wisdom to shine through!
Ready to indulge? You can check out this video:

You can drop this into your morning ritual every couple of days or at least once a week, or even use a shorter version daily.

And BTW- I talk about dry brushing in the video…. which I recommend doing every morning! Not sure how? Hit reply and ask.

If you are interested in harnessing this time for well being of your soul, or to stay more grounded and calm reply NOW! I have some openings in my 1:1.

Here is what one of my clients shares about working with me.“What I am doing to be so happy and more calm than ever before?”
“My friends, family and even my co workers are consistently asking me this and I always tell them.. It’s Kristy, my yogi (my coach)! My whole life is  completely different since I have been working with her.”  Nicole W.

AND….Stay tuned for some exciting upcoming news!!

Here is to your glow,
 PS- Tell me how you feel post massage! I will be sipping my dandelion tea and waiting… [email protected]