Ageless Grace®

Ageless Grace® Training

Ageless Grace® is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5 functions of the brain – strategic planning, memory/recall, analytical thinking, creativity and imagination, kinesthetic learning – and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function.

This is a wellness program consisting of 21 simple exercise tools designed for all ages and abilities.

A $20 million study at Harvard showed that a most effective way to stave off Dementia is for the body to move and create new patterns for the brain- rather than separating body and mind exercises. This program was designed with this in mind, and consists of everyday movements, which are natural and organic. These movements stimulate cognitive function in the various areas of the brain focusing on the healthy longevity of the body and brain.

The movements are performed seated in a chair or wheelchair, yet they can be done on a bed, standing near or behind a chair, or down on the floor. Almost any man or woman can do them, regardless of most physical conditions.

The 21 Tools have creative, imaginative names, so they are easy to remember. They are simple to do at home or in a facility.


Ageless Grace Training for Parkinson's

Understanding Parkinson’s Disease Statistics

At Ageless Grace, we believe it is crucial to have accurate information about Parkinson’s disease (PD) to better address the needs of those affected by this condition and their loved ones. Here are some key statistics that shed light on the prevalence and impact of Parkinson’s:

Prevalence and Diagnosis

  • There are nearly one million people living with Parkinson’s disease in the United States alone. This number is projected to rise to 1.2 million by the year 2030.
  • Parkinson’s is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, following Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Almost 90,000 individuals in the United States receive a Parkinson’s diagnosis annually.
  • Globally, more than 10 million people are currently living with Parkinson’s.

Age and Gender Factors

  • While Parkinson’s is commonly associated with age, approximately 4% of individuals with PD are diagnosed before age 50.
  • Men have a 1.5 times higher likelihood of developing Parkinson’s compared to women.

Economic Impact

  • The combined direct and indirect costs associated with Parkinson’s amount to nearly $52 billion annually in the United States. This includes expenditures related to treatment, social security payments, and lost income.
  • Medications alone can cost an average of $2,500 per year, and therapeutic surgeries may reach up to $100,000 per person.

At Ageless Grace, we are dedicated to raising awareness and improving the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s disease. By understanding the prevalence and impact of this condition, we strive to create a more supportive and informed community.

We are proud to announce that we now offer an Ageless Grace Parkinson’s Specialty Training & Certification

Lana Gelb, MS. Parkinson’s Specialist, Exercise physiologist, and International Somatic Movement Therapist, has created this Special Interest Ageless Grace Certification for people with Parkinson’s disease or those who treat and/or care for people with Parkinson’s.

August 2023:

“Congratulations to trainer Lana Gelb for successfully completing the first Ageless Grace Educator Certification with a Parkinson’s specialty and having participants from around the world. Her passion for helping those with Parkinson’s to live longer, healthier, and happier lives is inspiring! 

The feedback for this new Certification has been amazing

As Eleanor Robinson, an Ageless Grace Educator from Broward County, FL said, “The training was excellent and Lana did a magnificent job! I learned some new things relating to Ageless Grace and the Parkinson’s information was priceless.” 

Another participant, Kathleen Redwine, an Ageless Grace Educator from Oklahoma City, also expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity to learn and share with people. 

Congratulations once again to Lana Gelb and let’s stay tuned for upcoming dates for the next Ageless Grace Educator Certification with a Parkinson’s emphasis!”

"Trainer Lana Gelb’s Ageless Grace Educator Certification with an Emphasis on Parkinson’s was a Big Success on Many Levels"